Barcelona Course on Health Financing: Universal Health Coverage

16. Dezember 2014

16th to 20th March 2015, Barcelona, Spain WHO/Europe is pleased to announce the 5th annual Barcelona Course on Health Financing, a week-long intensive course offered through its WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening. The deadline for receiving applications is 20 January 2015. Programme Addressing the theme of universal health […]

Psychological First Aid

16. Dezember 2014

starts on 18th May 2015, 6 weeks, free online course Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition. Utilizing the RAPID model (Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition), this specialized […]

Ebola: Management & Treatment

18. November 2014

weekly courses until 2015, Würzburg, Germany First Level Training / Pre-deployment Training Aims The current Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to evolve in alarming ways. The most effective means to contain the outbreak involves setting up Ebola Treatment Centres and isolation units, and managing them according to international standards […]

Lehrgang: Gesundes Bauen und Wohnen

19. November 2014

Beginn 22. Januar 2015, Klosterneuburg / Wien, Österreich Ein Gebäude ist mehr als bloß „ein Dach über dem Kopf zu haben“. Es ist der Ort an dem Menschen essen, schlafen, arbeiten, Wohnen bedeutet Leben. Bedenkt man, dass der Mensch heute rund 20 Stunden am Tag in Innenräumen verbringt, wird deutlich, welch […]

Basics in Pharmacoepidemiology

19. November 2014

online course, starting September 2015 Objectives – to understand how to evaluate the effects of medicines and therapeutic interventions both during drug development and clinical use. – to know the main methodological and ethical characteristics and limitations of randomized clinical trials. – to understand the differences between efficacy and effectiveness. […]

Lehrgang Wundmanagement

22. Oktober 2014

Beginn Wintersemester 2015, Donau Universität Krems, Österreich Professionelles Wundmanagement ist eine Expertise der diplomierten Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege geworden. Im Kurz- und Langzeit- wie auch Homecare-Bereich bedarf es Pflegepersonen, die Patient/inn/en und Angehörige beraten und versorgen können, damit diese adäquate Unterstützung für das Leben mit einer Wunde und der Grunderkrankung erhalten. Wunden, die […]

Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Imaging

22. Oktober 2014

6th to 8th November 2014, Maastricht, Netherlands This course is designed for radiologists, radiation-oncologists, surgeons and all others involved or interested in obtaining knowledge on the multidisciplinary management of lung -, liver-, pancreatic- and rectal cancer. The goal is to understand each other’s specialty needs in a multidisciplinary environment. The […]

MSc Rechtspsychologie

22. Oktober 2014

Beginn Wintersemester 2015, Hamburg, Deutschland Dieses Studium an der Medical School Hamburg verfolgt das Ziel, die Studierenden in den Anwendungsfeldern der Rechtspsychologie zu qualifizieren. Die Rechtspsychologie stellt dabei den Oberbegriff einerseits für die Forensische Psychologie und andererseits für die Kriminalpsychologie dar. Besonderes Gewicht wird auf das Verständnis der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit […]

Concepts of Epidemiology

22. Oktober 2014

8th to 12th December 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland Concepts of Epidemiology is an intensive 5-day course which covers the fundamental principle of epidemiology, giving participants a vital understanding of this widely-used research and practice, with reference to global health problems. The course is particularly beneficial for any health care professionals with […]

Principles of Public Health

22. Oktober 2014

Date Tba, California, USA Principles of Public Health introduces the major concepts of public health and the determinants of health status in communities. The course emphasizes the ecological model that focuses on the linkages and relationships among multiple natural and social determinants affecting health. As a relative concept, the health of […]