Moin im Albertinen Krankenhaus – meine Neurologie Famulatur in Hamburg

14. August 2024

von Gabriel Achter. Im Sommer 2019 hat es mich für meine erste Famulatur im Fach Neurologie nach Hamburg in die Abteilung für Neurologie und neurologische Frührehabilitation des Albertinen Krankenhauses gezogen. Die Neurologie und das menschliche Nervensystem haben bereits vor Beginn des Medizinstudiums mein Interesse geweckt, dementsprechend wollte ich natürlich keine […]

Tackling tobacco control beyond health: a comprehensive approach

5. August 2024

Tobacco use is a common risk factor for the four main non-communicable diseases, claiming more than eight million lives globally every year and over one million lives annually in the Americas. Its effects are extensive and cross-cutting, including health, social, economic, and environmental. Encouragingly, there has been significant progress in […]

Narrative Medizin-Fortbildung an der Columbia University New York

11. Juli 2024

von Tara Meister. Ich habe in diesem Sommer die 3 months clinical rotation in Philadelphia an der UPENN gemacht und hatte bereits lange vor Antritt des Praktikums beschlossen: ich möchte aus diesem Aufenthalt das Maximum herausholen. Ich habe also an meinen Aufenthalt drei weitere Wochen in den USA angehängt und […]

Advancing Patient Safety in 2024 and Beyond

9. Juli 2024

Emily Methangkool, MD, MPH; Monica W. Harbell, MD, FASAASA Monitor June 2024, Vol. 88, 2–3. As a specialty, anesthesiology has long been regarded as a pioneer in patient safety, having even been cited by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) as an example for other specialties to follow. Indeed, mortality attributed solely […]

Psychiatrietertial in Zürich

11. Juni 2024

von Julia Bücheler. Schon im Vorfeld meines Studiums hatte ich das Anliegen, dieses so international wie möglich zu gestalten. Ein Austauschjahr während meiner Schulzeit war mir nicht möglich, also sollte es im Studium zwangsläufig eine Alternative sein. Das 6. Studienjahr bietet sich hervorragend an, um für eine limitierte Zeit die […]

What do people actually think about gender? Perspectives from the field

25. März 2024

Author: Sarah Pentlow Since the lifting of COVID travel restrictions, I’ve been able to visit a number of our country offices, providing face to face training workshops on gender equality. I’ve engaged in many meaningful conversations around what it means to promote gender equality within nutrition programs. After two-plus years of COVID […]

World Malaria Day 2024

25. März 2024

25th April 2024, worldwide. Through its 2024 theme “Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement”, the World Health Organization will focus on the third “i” – implementation. In particular, it will highlight the importance of reaching marginalized populations (e.g. regions across the Western Pacific) with the tools and strategies available today. World […]

World Tuberculosis Day 2024

1. März 2024

24th March 2024, worldwide. Each year, we recognize World TB Day on March 24. This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB). Learn more about the History of World TB Day. World TB Day is a day to […]

Rare Disease Day 2024

12. Februar 2024

29th February 2024, worldwide. Rare Disease Day is the globally-coordinated movement on rare diseases, working towards equity in social opportunity, healthcare, and access to diagnosis and therapies for people living with a rare disease. Since its creation in 2008, Rare Disease Day has played a critical part in building an […]

Digitalisation of health systems can significantly improve performance and outcomes

16. Januar 2024

Health systems in the OECD are under renewed financial pressure, owing to competing priorities for public funding, according to a new OECD report. The 2023 edition of OECD Health at a Glance estimates that healthcare spending in OECD countries corresponded to 9.2% of GDP in 2022, down from 9.7% in 2021. While […]