ICRS World Congress 2022 Berlin

9. Dezember 2021

12th to 15th April 2022, Berlin, Germany. The International cartilage regeneration & joint preservation society looks forward to welcoming all of you healthy in Berlin for the 16th ICRS World Congress. We – Magali Cucchiarini and Stefan Nehrer – are the Co-chairs of the Scientific Programme Committee and together with our […]

A Revolution in Cardiovascular Imaging: The Amercian Society of Echocardiography (ASE 2021)

11. Februar 2021
ASE American Society of Echocardiography

18th to 21st June 2021, online. The American Society of Echocardiography’s 2021 Scientific Sessions planning is underway. We are carefully monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and, at this point, based on the level of cases in the United States, the event originally planned for Boston, MA, will be a virtual event […]

17th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine

24. Februar 2021

19th to 22nd May 2021, online. The 17th Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine was initially planned to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the congress will now be completely virtual. Despite the virtual platform, the meeting will have Malaysian flair, cultural inclusions […]

MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe

24. Februar 2021
Harvard University

Until 30th April 2021, online. How can we eradicate malaria? Explore the scientific and technological underpinnings of malaria, as well as the historical, political, social, and economic contexts in which control, elimination, and eradication efforts unfold. Through foundational lectures and supplemental interviews, this course provides participants with a toolbox of […]

Advanced IHL Seminar for Academics and Policy-Makers

23. Februar 2021

4th May to 30th June 2021, online. What are the key ongoing legal debates around contemporary IHL (international humanitarian law) challenges? Why does that matter for academics and policy-makers? How can professionals from those sectors support each other in addressing ongoing legal and policy challenges? Organized by the International Committee […]

Clinical Management of Patients with Covid-19: General Considerations

2. Februar 2021

anytime, online. The Clinical Management of Patients with COVID-19 course series is developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course provides crucial knowledge necessary to provide safe, effective quality patient care.  The course series consists of 6 courses, which include video lectures and downloadable presentations that have been […]

English for Medical Assistants: A Different Way to Learn English

7. Januar 2021

01. Februar bis 15. März 2021, Linz, Österreich. Patientengespräche im Praxis- oder Klinikalltag How can I help? Have you got an e-card?Talking with patients in English can be a challenge! This seminar aims at developing special language skills between medical assistant and patient and focuses on useful phrases and terms. […]

Stanford Medicine: Advanced Wilderness Life Support

5. Januar 2021

9th to 11th April 2021, Stanford, CA, USA Advanced Wilderness Life Support® (AWLS) is a medical certification course that provides a practical foundation in Wilderness Medicine for medical professionals. The course is a 3-day course that teaches patient assessment and treatment guidelines enabling the participants to prevent and effectively manage […]

20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry

5. Januar 2021

10th to 13th March 2021, online. The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) has decided to transform the 20th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, ‘Psychiatry in a troubled world’ to a virtual congress to be held from 10th to 13th March 2021. This decision is mainly taken to prevent spreading the virus and for […]

Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

5. Januar 2021

24th to 26th March 2021, online. The ASID Annual Scientific Meeting is the leading Australasian meeting for adult and paediatric infectious disease and clinical microbiology specialists. The conference is an ideal opportunity for connecting clinicians, microbiologists and other health professions with a common interest in infectious diseases and provides a […]