Public Health Research in Practice: Public health interventions in real-life settings – Evaluation

225b9c71-28cb-447b-9dbc-16acd92e4f9324th to 25th October 2016, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

In the past ten years, Academic Collaborative Centres (ACC) have been established to bridge the gap between the fields of policy, practice and research. These ACCs are consortia of Public Health Services and Universities in the Netherlands. At present there are nine ACCs in the field of public health.

The aim of this master class series is to make knowledge and experiences acquired in these ACCs available for public health professionals and researchers working in the domain of public health.


Course contents

Currently, there is a strong demand for effective policies and programs from national as well as local governments in the public health domain. To contribute to this, insight in the implementation process and effectiveness of these programs is required. Evaluation studies are conducted to provide this insight. Evaluation research in public health practice needs distinct attention for two key reasons:

  1. the object of research is a societal problem that will be approached in its own context;
  2. societal problems are often complex problems in which a wide variety of actors play a role.

Therefore, evaluating public health interventions in real-life settings requires specific methods. In this master class a framework for process evaluation of complex interventions will be introduced that can be used to assess fidelity and quality of implementation, clarify causal 48937830-5f84-4049-a376-5522329cedc1_WUR2016_RGB_97c5abab_570x168mechanisms and identify contextual factors associated with variation in outcomes. The theory will be illustrated with examples from practice and further discussed during the group work. In addition, methods to measure and analyse intervention delivery in relation to program outcomes are presented and discussed.

Sign up for the master class here.

You can find the course details here .


Tip: More up to date educational events dealing with Public Health can be found online in the Education Database »medicine & health«.




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