24th IUPHE World Conference on Health Promotion

3. Februar 2022

15th to 19th March 2022, Montréal, QC, Canada,, or online. We are particularly pleased to invite you to participate in the 24th World Conference on Health Promotion. This major event of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is held every three years and will take place from May […]

Wichtige Begriffe rund um die Welt des Online-Marketing

26. März 2020
Online-Marketing Begriffe

Marketing ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben eines Unternehmens, da hier der unmittelbare Kontakt zum Endkunden/in hergestellt wird und diese Phase höchst vorteilhaft zur Begründung der Kundenbeziehung genutzt werden kann. Es ist die Schnittstelle zwischen der internen und externen Kommunikation und ist wesentlich für den gesamten Unternehmenserfolg, wenn es zufriedene KundInnen […]

IUHPE’s 22nd World Conference on Health Promotion

9. Dezember 2015

22nd to 26th May 2016, Curitiba, Brazil. IUHPE Conferences are renowned events bringing together leading professionals in all corners of the world to take stock of the present state of knowledge and experiences, bring forward future challenges and shape the agenda to advance developments in health promotion. The IUHPE organizes triennial […]

22nd IUHPE World Conference On Health Promotion

15. Oktober 2015

22nd to 26th May 2016, Curitiba, Brazil. Promoting Health and Equity The Municipal Health Secretariat of Curitiba, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education and their partners are looking forward to hosting this important global public health and health promotion event. The 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion […]