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3-Day Certified Course "Introduction to Statistics - An Applied 3-Day Hands-On Workshop with R"

UMIT TIROL - University for Health Sciences and Technology

23.10.2024 - 25.10.2024
UMIT TIROL, Eduard-Wallnoefer-Center 1, 6060 Hall in Tirol, http://htads@umit-tirol.atAustria

Course Content

This 3-day interactive course gives an introduction on how to use the statistical software R. It is a "hands-on" workshop and contains both lectures and practical exercises. Participants learn about the structure of the language R, the creation of professional graphs and how to do basic introductory statistics. To overcome common challenges, a lot of practical advice are given.

Learning objectives, training objectives

Introduction to Public Health & Epidemiology, Study Designs, Causal Inference, Risk, Prognosis, Treatment Efficacy & Safety, Diagnostic studies, Bayes’ Theorem, Decision Analysis in Public Health & Medicine, Cost-effectiveness Analysis

Target Audience

Scientists, health care professionals, consultancy organizations, PhD, medical and master students and a wide range of industries.


Basic knowledge of introductory statistics and prior exposure to statistical software. Course language is English.


Certificates of Completion will be provided to all participants after the course

Type of degree
Certificate of attendance, Certificate of completion

We offer discounts for group registration (- 15%) and for students and alumnis (- 20%)

Enquiries and Registration

Uwe Siebert, E-Mail:

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