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Missing Data: Consequences and Solutions (WV81)

Amsterdam UMC / EpidM, Department of Epidemiology & Data Science
20.01.2021 - 22.01.2021
Course Content
Although researchers do their best to avoid missing data, it is a common problem in medical and epidemiological studies. How large your missing data problem is and how to deal with it depends on how much data is missing and why your data are missing. This two-day course provides you with tools how to evaluate and handle missing data in medical and epidemiological studies with different missing data rates.
Learning objectives, training objectives
The participant is able to distinguish between different missing data mechanisms called missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR) and missing not at random (MNAR).
Target Audience
The course is designed for everybody who wants to learn about missing data because missing data may be present in your own research you want to learn how to judge other articles or research grants.
The following concepts are assumed known by participants at the start of this course: - Knowledge of basic statistical tests as t-tests and regression analyses. - Knowledge of some basic SPSS commands.
We use an interactive Learn Management System for this online course. Here you can find all course materials at least one week before the start of the course

Enquiries and Registration:

Register via the website. The course will be an online course because of Covid-19
Ms. Drs Yvonne van Loon
Clinical Research, Life Sciences, Public Health, Public Health Research, Statistics
Type of degree
Certificate of attendance
Education form
Full Time
3 Days
Credit Points
2 ECTS - Points
EUR 750,00
(If you enrol for two or three Winter Courses simultaneously, you will receive a discount of 10% on all courses.)
Number of participants (max.)
Organizer contact info
Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam
Aspher University
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

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