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AGAH Annual Meeting - Advanced – Diverse – Digital: Shaping the future of early medicines development

AGAH e. V.
17.04.2024 - 19.04.2024  Mövenpick Hotel Münster, Kardinal-von-Galen-Ring 65, 48149 Münster, Germany
Conference themes
Pre-Meeting-Workshop | 17 April 2024
»Novel Aspects of Non-Clinical Drug Development and their translation
into clinics – impact on human risk assessment«

Annual Meeting, 18-19 April, 2024
»TAdvanced – Diverse – Digital: Shaping the future of early medicines development«
Scientific Society
CSi Hamburg GmbH

Enquiries and Registration:

Programm Download Anmeldung
Ms. Antje Blömeke
Clinical Research, General Medicine, NA, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Congress fees
EUR 420,00
(420 EUR Member* 500 EUR Regular/Guest 290 EUR Junior Scientists *of AGAH, AGAH e. V., ACRON, AHPPI, AFPT-Le Club Phase I, HEALIXIA, POLFEMED)
Participants expected
100 - 150
Organizer contact info
Goernestraße 30
20249 Hamburg
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Österreichische Akademie der ÄrztenewTreeAlumni Club Medizinische Universität WienHelix - Forschung & Beratung WienEuropean Health Forum GasteinCenter of ExcellenceÄrzte der WeltAMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation