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2024 Napa Primary Care Conference

Evvnt Promotion / evvnt
06.11.2024 - 10.11.2024  Napa Marriott Hotel and Spa, 3425 Solano Ave., 94558 Napa, California, USA
Time: 4:30 pm to 10:00 am
Conference themes
Join us for the 2024 The Napa Primary Care Conference, November 6-10, 2024. The conference will be held at The Napa Valley Marriott Resort and Spa, conveniently located within minutes of renowned wineries, shopping, attractions, and numerous options for exercise and physical activity.

The Napa Primary Care Conference is a unique educational conference for physicians and medical professionals who care for active and athletic patients or who themselves lead such a lifestyle.
Scientific Society
Speakers: Robert Sallis, MD, FACSM, FAAFP Conference Chairman Family Medicine Physician Clinical Professor of Family Medicine UC Riverside School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Fontana, CA

Enquiries and Registration:
Mr. Joseph Federl
Health Services, Medical Education 
Congress fees
Physician Registration Fee: USD 945.00, Kaiser Permanente Physician Fee: USD 845.00, Non Physician Fees: USD 795.00, Resident Physicians: USD 695.00
Participants expected
Organizer contact info
83 Great Titchfield Street
W1W 6RH London
United Kingdom
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Anästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzHelix - Forschung & Beratung WienSwiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteCharité International AcademyOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation