MicroResearch Workshop:Interdisciplinary Research Training

Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health
01.10.2012 - 12.10.2012  Ifakara, Tanzania
Course Content
Training: The workshop will train up to 30 novice researchers to improve their
research skills. During the 2-week workshop, participants will be taught practical applied health research skills through a series of daily seminars. In parallel, 4 or 5 interdisciplinary subgroups will be formed, to move the germ of their own research idea into a draft research
Learning objectives, training objectives
To be able to
•conduct clinical research
•publish results
•write a grant proposal
Target Audience
Academic faculty staff in any clinical training program, Trainees in clinical areas

Enquiries and Registration:

Mr. Zabron Abel
Clinical Research
Type of degree
Certificate of attendance, Certificate of completion
Education form
Full Time
14 Days
Organizer contact info
255 Ifakara
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

Ärzte der WeltOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation Centro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioÄrztekammer für WienEuropean Health Forum GasteinHilfswerk AustriaCenter of ExcellenceÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public Health