MSc Medical Informatics

University of Amsterdam / Academic Medical Centre
15.02.2012  Amsterdam
15.09.2012  Amsterdam
Course Content
Current issues in medical informatics, knowledge representation and reasoning in medicine, advanced data analysis in medicine, biomedical information systems engineering, work placement, biomedial research and evaluation methodology, organisational settings of healthcare (selection)
Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities
Clinical informatician, IM resources/project manager, internal health IT consultant, system/applications expert, process analyst, evaluator, HI informatics researcher (selection)
Bachelor's degree in medical informatics or other first-degree courses, medicine, health sciences, biomedical sciences, computer science and relevant vocational degree courses

Enquiries and Registration:

Mr. Dr. Arie Hasman
Mr. Baas Louter
EUR 1 672, EUR 12 000 (international students)
Organizer contact info
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

AMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzAlumni Club Medizinische Universität WienEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)Helix - Forschung & Beratung WienÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation