Study Design and Basic Statistics for Clinical Research - Statistiktraining in der klinischen Forschung

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin / International Academy (ChIA)
19.04.2012 - 20.04.2012  Berlin
Do und Fr jeweils von 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Course Content
Study designs: phases of clinical drug trials, non-pharmaceutical trials (randomized controlled trials and observational studies)
Specific methodological issues: selection of participants, choice of controls, randomization, blinding, allocation concealment, bias, confounding
Statistics: basic descriptive and inferential statistics, sample size calculation
Learning objectives, training objectives
The course enables MDs and young scientists to understand and critically appraise results of clinical research and to perform their own study projects. The course uses an interdisciplinary approach.
Target Audience
German and foreign medical doctors and young scientists with interest or involvement in clinical research
Ärztekammer Berlin

Enquiries and Registration:

Mr. Christian Koller
Anaesthesia, Bone and Joint Surgery, Clinical Research, Dermatology, Evidence-Based Medicine, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Radiology, Surgery, Tropical Medicine and Infectiology
2 Days
German, English
Credit Points
20 Fortbildungspunkte
EUR 220,00
Organizer contact info
Charitéplatz 1/ Virchowweg 24
10117 Berlin
"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthHilfswerk AustriaSwiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteAnästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.AMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationAGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinCharité International AcademyCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio Sanitario