ICRS Laboratory Skills Course in Translational Science - Hands-on Course "From the Lab to the Clinic"

International Cartilage Repair Society
31.05.2011 - 03.06.2011  Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Quebec - Canada
Course Content
Course Highlights
Each day consists of one laboratory module (4 modules in 4 days)
with an expert opening lecture in the topic of the module followed
by a full day of hands-on laboratory training and demonstrations.
At noon each day, a plenary lecture will be given during lunch by
an internationally renowned expert addressing translational issues
in cartilage repair. The course is limited to 40 participants.
Learning objectives, training objectives
Laboratory Modules
1) Biomaterials for Cartilage Repair (C. Hoemann):
2) Cartilage Histology (A. Chevrier):
3) Cartilage Biomechanics (M. Buschmann, with lab training
provided by Biomomentum Inc.):
4) Animal Models (M. Hurtig):
Target Audience
Research Scientists in Academics and Industry, Clinicians, Residents,
Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities
Plenary Lectures
Articular Cartilage (R. Poole)
Current and Future Strategies for Meniscus Repair (P. Lavigne)
Regulatory and Commercial Issues in Cartilage Repair (M. Shive)
Cartilage Repair Clinical Trial Design and Outcomes (K. Mithoefer)
Local Organizer
Cartilage Executive Office (CEO) GmbH

Enquiries and Registration:

Ms. Ruby Meier
Bone and Joint Surgery, Clinical Research, Sports Medicine
Organizer contact info
Spitalstrasse 190 / Haus 3
8623 Wetzikon
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