Diploma in Community Health

Amref / Directorate of Capacity Building
01.02.2010 - 31.05.2011  Distance learning
Course Content
AMREF has been training health workers for a Diploma in community Health course since 1987. The course has a practical approach and about 40% of the course is conducted through field work in various projects of AMREF and other NGO’s and the Ministries of health in various countries The course takes eleven (11) months and is structured in 12 modules. The eLearning option takes duration of 15 months.
Learning objectives, training objectives
The course is designed to enable its graduates to acquire in depth knowledge, practical skills and competencies that will be useful in facilitating communities to plan and manage their own health and development.
Target Audience
Middle level health and development workers working with governments, NGO and private organizations from African countries
Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities
NGO’s, governments and health agencies whereby there roles include designing and implementing educational programs, developing screening programs, health promotion and community awareness programs; community outreach and service; and fund raising.
Moi University- Eldoret Kenya

Enquiries and Registration:

Ms. Alice Lakati
Family Planning and Gender, Health Promotion, Health Services, Health Systems, Information Technology, Management for NPOs and NGOs, Population Studies, Program Evaluation, Public Health, Quality Management, Statistics
USD 2.400,00
Organizer contact info
P. O. Box 27691- 00506, Lanagata Road, Opposite Wilson Airport
00506 Nairobi
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