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5th Gamma Delta T Therapies Summit 2024

Evvnt Promotion / evvnt
29.07.2024 - 31.07.2024  Hilton Boston Back Bay, 40 Dalton Street, 02115 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Temi della conferenza
Gamma Delta T cells prove an exciting platform for the treatment of solid tumor indications and autoimmune disorders. The unique biology of these cells is revolutionizing the development of allogeneic therapies.
Professional congress organizer (PCO)
Hanson Wade

Speakers: Alan Guerrero, Vice President - Research and Development, Kiromic, LLC, and more

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:
Ms. Kate Woodford
Medicina General
Quote del Congresso
USD 2599.00 - USD 5097.00
I partecipanti attesi
1000 - 1000
Contatto organizzatori
83 Great Titchfield Street
W1W 6RH London
United Kingdom
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