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3rd Asian Public Mental Health Congress

25.11.2024  Novotel Hotel, Bali, Indonesia
Data limite per la applicazione:November 3rd 2024
Temi della conferenza
3rd Asian Public Mental Health Congress pertains to Psychiatry and Mental Health Disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, behavioral disorders, post-traumatic, seasonal depression, persistent depressive disorder, stress and understanding the effective diagnosis & treatment to identify and help to facilitate the recovery of someone suffering from psychiatric disorders.
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
Neurology and Mental Health, Human Resilience, Epilepsy and Brain Disorder, Addiction and Mental Health, Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Womens Mental Health, Mental Disorders & Mental Illness, Global Epidemiology
Pubblico target
Clinical Psychologists, Psychopharmacologists, Mental Health Professionals,Neuropsychiatrists, Neurophysiologists, Neuropathologists, Counselors and Social Workers. Healthcare Professionals in the Behavioral Sciences
All the participants are provided with certificates

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

For Group participation, kindly contact us to avail discounts
Ms. Lexy Jackson
Medicina Psichiatrica e Psicoterapeutica, Corsi per personale di assistenza, Psichiatria Pediatrica e Giovanile, Psiquiatria, Salute Mentale e Psichiatria, Sanità Pubblica (Public Health)
Quote del Congresso
USD 225,00
I partecipanti attesi
75 - 100
Contatto organizzatori
1201 N. Orange Street Suite 7160
19801 Wilmington
United States Virgin Islands
"Noi, Going International, siamo un’azienda che si è scelta come obiettivo di rendere acessibile la formazione a una grandissima quantità di persone, oltrepassanddo i confini geografici e sociali."

Charité International AcademynewTreeÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzEuropean Health Forum GasteinÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteAnästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.OÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute