The Kidney as an Endocrine Organ

University of Warwick / School of Life Sciences
18.03.2014 - 21.03.2014  School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Contenuti (corsi)
A four day course providing a comprehensive insight into the role of the kidney as an endocrine organ. The course will intorduce the basic physiology of the main endocrine functions of the kidney and clinical conditions associated with abnormal function, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. These two elements are integrated throughout the course, particularly during small group work. Optional accreditation leads to a Masters level Postgraduate Award
Pubblico target
Health care professionals and pharmaceutical industry personnel.
Medicina interna
Tipo di titolo
Master, Attestato di partecipazione
Metodo educativo
A tempo pieno
4 Giorni
GBP 625,00
(£895 for accredited course)
Contatto organizzatori
School of Life Sciences
CV4 7AL Coventry
United Kingdom
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