The 3rd European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment

Akademie bei König und Müller
07.06.2013 - 08.06.2013  Felix-Fechenbach-Haus, Gutenbergstr. 11, 97080 Würzburg, Germany
Contenuti (corsi)
The Third European Symposium on Symptom Validity will build upon the two preceding international meetings in 2009 (Würzburg) and 2011 (London) and focus both on current developments and controversies. The symposium will be another opportunity to gain first-hand exposure to current developments in symptom validity assessment from acknowledged experts in the field. This meeting will place special emphasize on European perspectives and developments in the field.
Pubblico target
Neuropsychologists, psychotherapists, neurologists, students
Ärztekammer Bayern und Psychotherapeutenkammer Bayern
akkreditierter Veranstalter PTK Bayern
Organizzatori regionali
International Academy of Applied Neuropsychology

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Ms. Kirsten Wander
Ms. Katja Schuler-Petschler
Medicina Psichiatrica e Psicoterapeutica, Neurochirurgia, Neurologia, Riabilitazione
Tipo di titolo
Attestato di partecipazione
2 Giorni
EUR 325,00
(250 € for students)
Contatto organizzatori
Semmelstraße 36/38
97070 Würzburg
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