MSc in Medical Informatics

Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam / Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES)
15.09.2012  Amsterdam
Contenuti (corsi)
Current issues in medical informatics, knowledge representation and reasoning in medicine, advanced data analysis in medicine, biomedical information systems engineering, work placement, biomedical research and evaluation methodology (selection)
Pubblico target
Professionals from the fields: medicine, health sciences, biomedical sciences, computer science
Opportunità di lavoro e di formazione specialistiche per post-laureati
Clinical informatician, IM resources/project manager, internal health IT consultant, system/applications expert, process analyst (selection)
Those who are non-native English speakers are required to have passed an English proficiency test: TOEFL, Cambridge International Examinations, IELTS, minimum score: 6.5
In cooperation with the University of Amsterdam
Tipo di titolo
Attestato di partecipazione
Punti accrediti
120 ECTS - Points
A richiesta
Contatto organizzatori
Educational Support Center Room Ee308
3000 CA Rotterdam
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Ärztekammer für WienÄrzte der WeltAMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationEuropean Health Forum GasteinÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteHelix - Forschung & Beratung WienAlumni Club Medizinische Universität WienCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio Sanitario