MSc Management and Implementation of Development Projects

University of Manchester / Institute for Development Policy and Management (IDPM) / School of Environment and Development
15.09.2012  Manchester
Contenuti (corsi)
Development practice, characteristics and skills of development practice, planning and managing development, financing projects; optional courses: ICTs and socio-economic development, environmental impact assessment, commercial management, organisational behaviour (selection)
Good first degree or an equivalent qualification, IELTS-, TOEFL-test or Cambridge Certificate, three years' work experience

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Mr. Dr. Pete Mann
Mr. Paul Barry
Mr. Daniel Chung
Tipo di titolo
Attestato di partecipazione
GBP 5 900 (UK/EU students), GBP 11 950 (international students)
Contatto organizzatori
Oxford Road
M13 9PL Manchester
United Kingdom
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