Summer School: Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER): Methodologies, Proposal Building and Politics
Universität Basel / Institut für Pflegewissenschaft / Institute of Nursing Science
20.08.2012 - 24.08.2012 Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 4056 Basel
Contenuti (corsi)
Comparative effectiveness research weighs the benefits and risks/costs of different treatment approaches in health care to drive practice and policy decisions. CER is more than just a “buzzword.” While in some ways it is a repackaging of “old wine in new bottles,” CER is an updating and reframing of the principles and practice of studying patient care that nurse investigators must now master.
Comparative effectiveness research weighs the benefits and risks/costs of different treatment approaches in health care to drive practice and policy decisions. CER is more than just a “buzzword.” While in some ways it is a repackaging of “old wine in new bottles,” CER is an updating and reframing of the principles and practice of studying patient care that nurse investigators must now master.
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
Articulate the need for and challenges inherent in comparative
effectiveness research/Analyze strengths and weaknesses/Outline the beginnings of a workable comp. effect. analysis research project/
Discuss the health care policy and economic forces
Articulate the need for and challenges inherent in comparative
effectiveness research/Analyze strengths and weaknesses/Outline the beginnings of a workable comp. effect. analysis research project/
Discuss the health care policy and economic forces
Pubblico target
Master graduates and doctoral students, faculty members and researchers from all health care disciplines
Master graduates and doctoral students, faculty members and researchers from all health care disciplines
Master Diplom / Participants should have successfully completed an advanced quantitative methodology course and a statistics course
Master Diplom / Participants should have successfully completed an advanced quantitative methodology course and a statistics course
Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance on the Swiss Universities
Center of Accreditation and Quality Assurance on the Swiss Universities
Seating is limited to 40 persons. Closing date for registration is May 14, 2012
Seating is limited to 40 persons. Closing date for registration is May 14, 2012
Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:
Ms. Yuliya Senft
Assistenza sanitaria basata sull'evidenza, Corsi per personale di assistenza, Ricerca dell Sanita Pubblica, Sanità Pubblica (Public Health), Servizi sanitari, Sistemi Sanitari, Statistica, Summerschool, Valutazione
Tipo di titolo
Master, Dottorato, Dottorato di Ricerca (PHD), Attestato di partecipazione, Certificato di completamento
Master, Dottorato, Dottorato di Ricerca (PHD), Attestato di partecipazione, Certificato di completamento
Metodo educativo
Studio parallelo alla professione
Studio parallelo alla professione
5 Giorni
5 Giorni
Punti accrediti
2 ECTS - Points
2 ECTS - Points
CHF 1.250,00
(Reduced fee: CHF 750 4 Travel grants: see program )
CHF 1.250,00
(Reduced fee: CHF 750 4 Travel grants: see program )
Contatto organizzatori
Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel
Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel
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