Short Courses in Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention - Smoking Cessation Strategies

Imperial College London / School of Professional Development
15.02.2011 - 18.02.2011  London
Contenuti (corsi)
This module looks at the guidelines, policy and legislation in relation to Tobacco. Smoking cessation strategies are explored in detail.

Brief outline of content

History of smoking, worldwide statistics and variations
Why is smoking cessation work necessary?
Profiles and three stages of smokers
Forms of smoking cessation therapy
Is there one successful method?
The role of support in smoking cessation
The role as educator
Personal attitude to smoking
Pubblico target
Medical doctors and Nurses/Allied Health Professionals
Certificate of Attendance
Organizzatori regionali
School of Professional Development, Imperial College London
Corsi per personale di assistenza, Medicina interna, Nutrizione, Promozione della Salute
Punti accrediti
24 CME
GBP 800,00
Contatto organizzatori
South Kensington Campus
SW7 2AZ London
United Kingdom
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