Drug Safety and Clinical Trials - A Concise Workshop

European Centre for Clinical Research Training (ECCRT)
28.04.2011  Brussels
Contenuti (corsi)
This foundational one day course on the essential aspects of clinical safety is designed for everyone involved in clinical research activities.

This course provides key definitions based on the new European Community legislation as well as on consensus forums such as ICH and the CIOMS Working Groups. Practical examples and workshops are intended to illustrate these definitions and introduce the skills needed to perform clinical safety tasks successfully.
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
Identify key definitions and vocabulary used in clinical safety in the EU. Recognise important aspects in evaluating adverse events. Identify main characteristics of adverse events, etc.
Pubblico target
Project Managers, CRAs & CTAs responsible for clinical operations, drug safety personnel, investigators, representatives of organisations including academia running clinical trials and medical managers from the pharmaceutical industry.
Opportunità di lavoro e di formazione specialistiche per post-laureati
CRA, Clinical Research Associate, PM, Project Manager, Regulatory, Pharmacovigilance
Organizzatori regionali

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Ms. Sunita Kelecom
Ricerca clinica
EUR 1.000,00
Contatto organizzatori
Marcel Broodthaers plein 8b5
1060 Brussels
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