Advanced Breast and Pelvis MR Imaging

European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology / ESMRMB Office
04.11.2010 - 06.11.2010  Rashid Hospital, Oud Mehta Road, Oud Mehta, UAE - Dubai
Contenuti (corsi)
-MR Imaging Techniques (Breast & Female Pelvis)
-Female Pelvis: Protocol Optimisation, Benign Disease of the Uterus
-MR Imaging of the Cervix and the Uterus: Malignant Lesions
-MR Imaging of the Ovaries
-MR Imaging of the Pelvic Floor
-MRI in the Obstetric Patient / Fetal MRI
-Technical Aspects of Breast MRI
-MR Imaging of the Breast
-MRI of the Breast: Screening the high Risk Population
-MRI: Lymph node Staging
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
-MR imaging strategies for the diagnosis of breast and pelvic pathologies including fetal imaging and pelvic floor MRI.
-Convey indepth knowledge of morphological changes of the breast and pelvic female organs under pathological conditions.
Pubblico target
Physicians who have attended the school of MRI Applied MR Techniques courses or have good knowledge in MR techniques from other sources; some experience in applied MRI of the Breast and Pelvis.
Organizzatori regionali
Course organiser: Rahel Kubik, Baden / CH
This course accreditates approx 15h CME

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Ms. Claudia Passuello
Medicina basata sull’evidenza
Contatto organizzatori
Neutorgasse 9/2a
1010 Wien
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