Advanced Head & Neck MR Imaging

European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology / ESMRMB Office
14.10.2010 - 16.10.2010  Sisli Etfal Education & Research Hospital, Istanbul /Turkey.
Contenuti (corsi)
-Basic and Advanced MR Imaging Techniques
-MR Signal of Normal and Abnormal Tissues
-MR Imaging of the Sinonasal Tract and the Skull base
-MR Imaging of the Nasopharynx and Parapharyngeal Space
-MR Imaging of the Orophyrynx and Oral Cavity
-MR Imaging of Major and Minor Salivary Glands
-Surface Coil MR Imaging of the Larynx and Hypopharynx
-MR Imaging of Lymph Nodes and Lumps in the neck
-MR Imaging of Temporal Bone and CPA Lesions
-MR Imaging of the Orbit
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
Aim of this course is to offer an in-depth knowledge of current MR imaging techniques for the diagnosis of head and neck lesions.
Focus on imaging strategies, recent developments and specific MR findings.
Pubblico target
MR physicists and other basic scientists
Organizzatori regionali
Course organiser: Roberto Maroldi, Brescia / IT - - - Local organiser: Ahmet Muhtesem Agildere, Istanbul / TR
This course accreditates approx 15h CME

Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Ms. Claudia Passuello
Medicina basata sull’evidenza
Contatto organizzatori
Neutorgasse 9/2a
1010 Wien
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