Monitoring & Evaluation and Learning

MDF Training & Consultancy
07.12.2009 - 16.12.2009  Ede
Contenuti (corsi)
Development processes are complex and multi-dimensional. M&E of these processes is challenging. Understanding the context, keeping track of progress, collecting data for management and for learning, providing reporting to account upwards to donors, downwards to beneficiaries and sideways to other partners requires a comprehensive and practical monitoring system. The challenge of evaluation lies in its potential to stimulate learning, to motivate people and to propose directives for the future.
Obiettivi didattici, obiettivi del training
Learn how to design a logical, systematic monitoring system and how to apply this to your organisation. Learn how to design, organise and steer evaluations so they contribute to accountability and improve learning amongst all stakeholders.
Pubblico target
You are involved in designing, supervising, coordinating, implementing, or monitoring development interventions. You are a stakeholder who prepares, supervises, guides, uses and/or participates in evaluations.
Good English
Certificate of attendance
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Informazioni ed Iscrizioni:

Ms. Marieke Dikken
Cooperazione allo sviluppo - Corsi di perfezionamento, Valutazione
EUR 2.880,00
Contatto organizzatori
Bosrand 28
6718 ZN Ede
"Noi, Going International, siamo un’azienda che si è scelta come obiettivo di rendere acessibile la formazione a una grandissima quantità di persone, oltrepassanddo i confini geografici e sociali."

Österreichisches Rotes KreuzAMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationEuropean Health Forum GasteinEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)newTreeCharité International AcademyHelix - Forschung & Beratung WienÖsterreichische Akademie der Ärzte