versión imprimible

Doctor in further training / training assistant for anaesthesiology (m/f/d)

Número de código, Cifra: GADn0224OA2_SW_LW2054/EN

We are looking for a municipal hospital in NRW as soon as possible for a

Doctor in further training / training assistant for anaesthesiology (m/f/d)

The academic teaching hospital under municipal sponsorship has around 450 beds. The Institute of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine is responsible for all anaesthesiological care in the operating theatre, intensive care medicine and the Department of Emergency Medicine.

The Interdisciplinary Intensive Care Unit has 12 ventilation places and is managed both organisationally and professionally by the Institute of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. The ZNA is also organisationally subordinate to the Institute of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. The team largely staffs the emergency ambulances at the hospital site. Around 5500 anaesthetics are performed each year, of which central and peripheral regional anaesthetics account for a large proportion.

In addition to all general and general anaesthesia procedures, a wide range of regional anaesthesia and partial anaesthesia is also offered. For planned operations, in addition to autologous blood donation, there is also the option of limiting the risk of foreign blood transfusion by recovering the patient's own blood during the operation. Depending on the severity of the surgical procedure and accompanying impairments, intensive post-operative monitoring including pain therapy can be provided in the intensive care unit.

There has been a centre for robot-assisted surgery for three years, since when work with DaVinci has been implemented.


Your Advantages:

  • A varied and responsible job
  • Communication and cooperation at eye level
  • Professional and personal development opportunities
  • Compatibility of family/leisure and career
  • Remuneration according to qualifications, by agreement
  • Full training licence for anaesthesiology (60 months) at the location
  • Possibility to obtain the ZB "Special Anaesthesiological Intensive Care Medicine" (24 months) at the location
  • Possibility to obtain the specialisation in "Emergency Medicine" (6 months) at the location



Your Tasks:

  • Care of anaesthesiological patients (m/f/d) in the inpatient and outpatient area
  • Intensive medical care before, during and after surgery
  • Participation in the services in the clinic
  • Emergency doctor activities
  • Participation in the organisation and further development of the department


Our requirements:

  • Licence to practice medicine (m/f/d)
  • Interest in further training as a specialist (m/f/d) in anaesthesiology or for additional training in intensive care medicine and/or emergency medicine
  • Enjoyment of and commitment to patient care
  • Team spirit, collegiality, flexibility
  • Enjoyment of interdisciplinary work


Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Fühlen Sie sich von dieser Position angesprochen?

Dann berichten wir Ihnen gerne in einem persönlichen Gespräch mehr über Ihre Möglichkeiten und Ihre Chancen. Rufen Sie uns an oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail um ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch zu vereinbaren.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie, Ihre Fragen beantwortet gerne:

Mag. Katharina Seitz
Tel.: +43 (0)1 798 2527
Dr. Gerhard Polak
Tel.: +43 (0)1 798 2527
Ciudad / Región
Cargo / Función
Junior doctor, intern
Horas por semana
Full time
Sueldo / Salario
Für diese Funktion wird eine der anspruchsvollen Tätigkeit entsprechende leistungsgerechte Vergütung angeboten.
Contacte, los proveedores de empleo

information services G. Polak KG
Fasangasse 28/27
A-1030 Vienna

Tel.: +43-(0)1-798 2527
Fax.: +43-(0)1-798 2527 11

Falls Sie spezielle Wünsche an Ihren künftigen Arbeitgeber oder Ihre künftige Position haben, bitten wir Sie, uns dies mitzuteilen. Im Laufe des Beratungsprozesses berücksichtigen und kommunizieren wir diese gerne.

Senden Sie uns Ihren tabellarischen Lebenslauf und Ihr Anschreiben sowie Ihre Ausbildungs- und Weiterbildungsnachweise und Ihre Zeugnisse zu.


Alle Ihre Angaben und Unterlagen behandeln wir selbstverständlich streng vertraulich.

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