Joint European Master`s in International Action (NOHA) course - A multidisciplinary inter-university course

Humanitarian professionals operate in extremely challenging working environments. While they try to save lives and uphold human dignity in countries as diverse as Sudan and the Congo, they are confronted with horrific problems, such as war, genocide and refugee flows...

(In: Polak, G. [Hg.]: medicine & health 2007, Going International, Wien 2006, S. 38)

Gestión de calidad ,Promoción de la Salud ,Sistemas de Salud

Renée Bakker

2010-09-28 09:17:02

"Going International fomenta el acceso a la educación y a la formación continua independientemente de fronteras sociales, geográficas y nacionales."

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation newTreeHilfswerk AustriaÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzAnästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.AMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)