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Control Strategies for Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases (CCND)

KIT (Royal Tropical Institute) / Health and Education
08.04.2024 - 30.04.2024  KIT Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fecha límite para la aplicación:February 8th 2024
Contenido de curso
Disease control refers to a broad package of strategies for controlling diseases, from primary prevention, health promotion, and health legislation to screening for early detection, treatment and rehabilitation. In order to choose the right strategies for a specific disease in a given situation, the health care manager needs to understand the context in which a disease arises, the factors contributing to its spread and the natural course of the disease.
Objetivos de formación
In this module, a number of diseases, both communicable and non-communicable (NCD), are used as models to demonstrate different aspects and principles of disease control. A wide variety of situations relevant to public health are discussed.
Academic training or professional qualification in a relevant area Work experience in a related area, including experience in management or planning in developing countries
Academic training or professional qualification in a relevant area Work experience in a related area, including experience in management or planning in developing countries
Accreditation Organisation of the Nederlands and Flanders
NVAO + TropEd accredited
Part of this module is carried out through interactive learning in a Virtual Learning Community via Elevate

Información e inscripción:

Ms. Rinia Sahebdin
Epidemiología y Control de Enfermedades, Salud Pública, Sistemas de Salud
Tipo de título
Certificado de asistencia, Certificado de conclusión
Método edicativo
Tiempo completo
Puntos de crédito
4,5 ECTS - Points
EUR 2.390,00
Cantacto organizador
P. O Box 95001
1090 HA Amsterdam
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Österreichische Akademie der ÄrzteEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)Charité International AcademyÄrzte der WeltnewTreeAGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation Anästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.