Practical Financial Management for NGOs – Getting the Basics Right

Management Accounting for Non-Governmental Organisations (MANGO)
05.11.2012 - 09.11.2012  Nairobi
12.11.2012 - 16.11.2012  Bangkok
25.11.2012 - 29.11.2012  Dhaka
Contenido de curso
How to achieve good practice in financial management – key principles and frameworks, building and using effective budgets – including project and donor budgets, and cash flow forecasts, which accounting records you should keep in your NGO – and why? (selection)
Staff in small to medium-sized NGOs who are involved in programme implementation

Información e inscripción:

Ms. Barbara Johnstone
Tipo de título
Certificado de asistencia
Sobre pedido
Cantacto organizador
2nd Floor, Chester House, 21-27 George Street
OX1 2AU Oxford
United Kingdom
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