Genetic Linkage Analysis: Model-free Analysis (GE05)

Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam / Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES)
15.12.2012  Rotterdam
Contenido de curso
Theoretical background and practical issues in model-free linkage studies of complex genetic traits, qualitative outcomes and quantitative (continuous) traits, inclusion of covariates, extreme sampling, and the generalization of methods based on sibling pairs to other pedigree structures
Objetivos de formación
Gain insight in the theoretical background and practical issues in sib-pair studies of complex genetic traits
Epidemiologists, geneticists, biostatisticians, investigators/physicians involved in clinical and pharmacological research
Basic understanding of genetic epidemiology (level ESP29) and statistics (regression analysis and maximum likelihood estimation), familiarity with PC-compatible computers

Información e inscripción:

Ms. Annet Bout-Tellegen
Tipo de título
Certificado de asistencia
EUR 830,00
Cantacto organizador
Educational Support Center Room Ee308
3000 CA Rotterdam
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