MSc Paediatrics and Child Health

Imperial College London / Faculty of Medicine
15.10.2012  London
Contenido de curso
Theoretical background to the principles of evidence-based medicine and critical evaluation, broad coverage of the scientific basis and early life origins of childhood disease and innovations in diagnosis and treatment within paediatrics (selection)
Paediatricians, GPs, nurses, therapists and other healthcare professionals involve in child health
A degree in medicine or at least an upper second class honours degree (2:1) in a healthcare related subject or equivalent

Información e inscripción:

Ms. Dr. Jill A. Warner
Ms. Dr. Jill A. Warner
GBP 5 100 (UK/EU), GBP 27 100 (overseas)
Cantacto organizador
St. Mary's Campus, Room 250, Medical School Building, Norfolk Place
W2 1PG London
United Kingdom
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