ACEP Scientific Assembly

American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) / National Headquarters
08.10.2012 - 11.10.2012  Denver, CO
14.10.2013 - 17.10.2013  Seattle, WA
27.10.2014 - 30.10.2014  Chicago, IL
26.10.2015 - 29.10.2015  Boston, MA
Contenido de curso
Abdominal disorders, health policy, prehospital/disaster medicine, airway, anesthesia, analgesia, hematologic disorders, cardiovascular disorders, infectious disease, pulmonary disorders, critical care, metabolic and endocrine disorders
Tipo de título
Cantacto organizador
1125 Executive Circle
75038-2522 Irving, TX
"Going International fomenta el acceso a la educación y a la formación continua independientemente de fronteras sociales, geográficas y nacionales."

newTreeÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteCentro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthAMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)Center of ExcellenceAGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und Medizin