Sonoanatomy Course

The British Society for Rheumatology / Education and Events
21.03.2012 - 22.03.2012  Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Contenido de curso
This course is for applicants with some ultrasound experience who wish to gain a deeper understanding of 3D MSK anatomy using anatomical dissections, radiological images and ultrasound examinations on healthy volunteers and patients. The course includes masterclass USS demonstrations of the upper and lower limb anatomy, small group cadaveric anatomy demonstrations, USS practice on normal subjects and patients with pathological anatomy; US guided injection session using cadaveric specimens and an
Objetivos de formación
The specific aims of the course are:
 learn the relevant anatomy by integrating an understanding of normal tissue function with the recognition of normal ultrasound appearances identify normal structures using anatomical dissections and radiologi
Consultants and trainees in rheumatology, GPwSIs and allied health professionals
CPD accredited by the Royal College of Physicians

Información e inscripción:

Mr. Louis Bellintani
Cooperación para el desarollo – Cursos para expertos, Cooperación para el desarollo – Temas especiales y salud
Tipo de título
Certificado de asistencia
Método edicativo
a tiempo partido
2 Días
Puntos de crédito
12 CPD
GBP 324,00
(Register before 26 January 2012 to qualify for the early rate Registration fee does not include accommodation or a course dinner )
Cantacto organizador
Bride House, 18-20 Bride Lane
EC4Y 8EE London
United Kingdom
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