Working with Contract Research Organisations (CROs)

European Centre for Clinical Research Training (ECCRT)
27.09.2012  Brussels
Contenido de curso
This course provides in-depth training on techniques to identify and finally select the best CRO for your purpose and above all to make sure that you get value for your money. The course is given by seasoned trainers who have been working in the outsourcing field for many years. It consists of interactive sessions and workshops dealing with all aspects from CRO selection to performance and governance management.
Objetivos de formación
Focus on: whether or not you need a CRO and how to select the right one for the job. Hints & tips will be provided on how to best manage your CRO and to add value by fostering the relationship and turning it into a long lasting partnership.
Clinical Research professionals responsible for selecting and managing CROs (Project Managers, Clinical Operations Managers, Outsourcing Managers)
ISO9001:2008 / Q-for
Interactive session on how to select the right CRO for your project.
Establishing communication lines and performance metrics.

Información e inscripción:

Ms. Sunita Kelecom
Investigación clínica
Cantacto organizador
Marcel Broodthaers plein 8b5
1060 Brussels
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