Disaster Response Management

University of Copenhagen / Copenhagen School of Global Health
19.04.2010 - 14.05.2010  Copenhagen
19.04.2010 - 14.05.2010  Lund, Sweden
Contenido de curso
The three themes of Disaster Management Situations- disaster response systems, decision making and leadership,- are explored through a combination of class room lectures, case studies, exercises and simulations.
Objetivos de formación
To enhance the student\'s ability to analyze and discuss various theoretical and practical aspects of disaster response management and thus improve the prerequisites for working with response operations.
Individuals and professionals who are interested in any or all parts of Disaster Management
A bachelor\'s degree or equivalent in a relevant field of study (eg. health sciences, social sciences, engineering, etc.) and 2 years of relevant working experience
Organizador local
This course is offered by Lund University Centre for Risk Analysis and Management (LUCRAM) and Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen as part of the joint programme Master of Disaster Management.
Please visit our website for further information: www.mdma.ku.dk/drm

Información e inscripción:

Ms. Helle Trøst Nielsen
Ayuda humanitaria – Cursos para expertos, Ayuda humanitaria – Emergencias complejas, Ayuda humanitaria – Misiones primarias
Puntos de crédito
6 ECTS - Points
EUR 2.237,00
Cantacto organizador
Oester Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen K
Aspher University
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Swiss Tropical and Public Health InstituteAMREF - African Medical and Research FoundationAGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinÖsterreichisches Rotes KreuzÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthAlumni Club Medizinische Universität WienHilfswerk AustriaHelix - Forschung & Beratung Wien