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Controversies in Women s Health 2017

Mayo Clinic

June 15 - 17, 2017

The Westin River North Chicago

320 North Dearborn St., 60554 Chicago, USA

Conference themes

The course focuses on multiple areas of current controversy in the field of women's health defined as conditions and diseases that present only in women, predominantly in women, or different in women.

This course is designed to assist health care providers improve care of female patients based on emerging scientific and clinical evidence related to medical conditions that are unique to women, occur more frequently in women or present differently in women. The course includes presentations from key women's health specialty and subspecialty disciplines including obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive medicine, sexual health, menopausal medicine.


Physicians/Scientists: USD695

Allied Health/Students/Retirees: USD615


Enquiries and Registration

Please register online

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