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3rd International Congress Hidden Hunger 2017

University of Hohenheim/Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition

March 20th - 22nd, 2017

Mövenpick Hotel Stuttgart / Airport and Messe

Flughafenstrasse 50

70629 Stuttgart, Germany

Conference themes

The 3rd Congress Hidden Hunger is a continuation of the successful, international event series “Congress Hidden Hunger“ which started in 2013. At the 1st Congress Hidden Hunger the causes and consequences of hidden hunger as well as possible solutions were discussed. The 2nd Congress Hidden Hunger which was hosted in 2015 addressed the specific problem of hidden hunger during pregnancy and the first years of life. Associated, serious consequences for child development and the increased risk for maternal mortality were also discussed.

In March 2017, a 3rd Congress Hidden Hunger will consider the question of how far the Post-2015 Agenda and other programs and measures adopted in 2015 to fight against world famine and poverty have already been implemented.


EUR 300,00
Regular - Normal Ticket

Enquiries and Registration

Please register online.

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