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16th International Nutrition and Diagnostics Conference


October 3rd - 6th, 2016

Hotel DUO, Teplická 492, Prague, 190 00, Czech Republic

Conference themes

INDC represents a traditional meeting point for all people who are interested in understanding how food influences our health, working performance, feelings and aging. Thus INDC became an international recognized forum to encourage scientific interchange for nutritionists, clinicians, chemists, medical doctors, and biochemists.

Target Audience
  • Nutritionists
  • Clinicians
  • Chemists
  • Medical doctors
  • Biochemists
Typical postgraduate careers and job opportunities

The INDC organizing committee intends to honor and encourage young scientists whose current research represents a valuable contribution to the field of nutrition and diagnostics, displays a high level of excellence and distinction.


EUR 350,00
Student´s discount 200 EUR, one day fee 150 EUR

Participants expected
100 - 350
Enquiries and Registration

Tereza Kozlova



"Going International promotes access to education and training for all regardless of social, geographic and national borders."