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Community-based tuberculosis screening policies in the 30 high-burden countries

Worldwide, 30 countries account for almost 90% of the global tuberculosis burden. Ending tuberculosis (TB) will require early detection of people with TB, and active case-finding is one strategy for doing so. In this new study researchers at the Department of Global Public Health sheds light on policies for active case-finding in the 30 high TB burden countries, and the gap between policy and practice. 

“Given that active case-finding is one strategy for ending tuberculosis, we were curious to find out how the National TB Programme (NTP) managers from the 30 high TB burden countries  thought about the topic, and how active case-finding was anchored in their national TB strategies. The National TB Programmes are usually part of the government and responsible for TB services – the managers of these National TB Programme are therefore key decision-makers in the TB field”, says Olivia Biermann, PhD student and first author of the publication...

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by Olivia Biermann.

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