ESTI Winter Course 2024
European Society of Thoracic Imaging – ESTI
12.12.2024 - 14.12.2024 Fredrik Langesgate 2, 9008 Tromsø, Norwegen
This course will serve as a good introduction to thoracic imaging for someone just starting in this field, as well as a solid refresher for the experienced thoracic radiologist. Topics covered span from ILDs, cancer imaging, infections, vascular and trauma, as well as AI. The faculty consists of excellent lecturers from across Europe.
This course will serve as a good introduction to thoracic imaging for someone just starting in this field, as well as a solid refresher for the experienced thoracic radiologist. Topics covered span from ILDs, cancer imaging, infections, vascular and trauma, as well as AI. The faculty consists of excellent lecturers from across Europe.
Anfragen und Anmeldung:
ESTI Member Early € 350.00
ESTI Member Late € 400.00
ESTI Non-Member Early € 400.00
ESTI Non-Member Late € 450.00
Early Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 01, 23:59 CEST
Frau ESTI Office
Lungenkrankheiten, Radiologie
3 Tage
3 Tage
: ESTI would like to invite you to join us for the traditional Winter Course in thoracic radiology. This year we are returning to where it started, Tromsø in Norway.
: ESTI would like to invite you to join us for the traditional Winter Course in thoracic radiology. This year we are returning to where it started, Tromsø in Norway.
Teilnehmerzahl (max.)
Veranstalter Kontakt
Am Gestade 1
1010 Vienna
Am Gestade 1
1010 Vienna
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