Intensive course on Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine
K.U. Leuven / Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law
13.11.2013 - 15.11.2013 Holy Spirit College, Naamsestraat 40, 3000 Leuven, Belgien
The objective of this course is to focus at some of the most challenging ethical issues in reproductive medicine, as well on the level of fundamental notions as applied clinical questions.
The objective of this course is to focus at some of the most challenging ethical issues in reproductive medicine, as well on the level of fundamental notions as applied clinical questions.
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
During the course experts will give presentations on various topics in the domain of reproductive medicine. There will be time for intensive discussions.
During the course experts will give presentations on various topics in the domain of reproductive medicine. There will be time for intensive discussions.
The course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as medicine, philosophy and theology, health care, and PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas.
The course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as medicine, philosophy and theology, health care, and PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas.
Typische Postgraduate Berufsfelder und Berufschancen
This course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as medicine, fertility, genetic counselling, ethics, law, philosophy and theology, health care administration and bioethics committees.
This course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as medicine, fertility, genetic counselling, ethics, law, philosophy and theology, health care administration and bioethics committees.
Lokaler Veranstalter
Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law (Leuven University)
Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law (Leuven University)
More detailed information:
More detailed information:
Anfragen und Anmeldung:
Detailed information on registration and payment can be found at our website under Intensive Courses.
Frau Chantal De Keersmaecker
Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Art des Abschlusses
Teilnahmebescheinigung, Abschluss-Zertifikat
Teilnahmebescheinigung, Abschluss-Zertifikat
3 Tage
3 Tage
EUR 650,00
(The course fee will be € 650 if you register and pay as a participant before September15th 2013, € 750 for registration and payment from September 15th 2013 onwards. )
EUR 650,00
(The course fee will be € 650 if you register and pay as a participant before September15th 2013, € 750 for registration and payment from September 15th 2013 onwards. )
Veranstalter Kontakt
Kapucijnenvoer 35/3
3000 Leuven
Kapucijnenvoer 35/3
3000 Leuven
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