
Health in Emergencies and Refugee Health (Online/Blended course)

University of Copenhagen / Copenhagen School of Global Health
22.04.2014 - 20.06.2014  Oster Farimagsgade 5, bd. 9, 1014 Copenhagen, Dänemark
This blended learning course addresses the following aspects related to disaster- & conflict related emergencies: Health, Conceptual & legal frameworks, Operational aspects of humanitarian interventions, and Partnerships and roles in different stages of emergencies.
First six weeks will consist of intensly supervised online learning. These six weeks are part-time. Last two weeks of course are full-time on site lectures and exercises in Copenhagen.
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
The course aims at providing participants with an in-depth understanding of the broad range of issues which are crucial in planning, implementing and accounting for health interventions in contemporary emergencies.
Health professionals who wish to work with health related issues in low and middle income societies, and Individuals and professionals who are interested in any or all parts of Disaster Management and Emergency Health
A bachelor's degree or equivalent in a relevant field of study (eg. health sciences, social sciences, engineering, etc.) and at least 2 years of relevant working experience
The Danish Evaluation Institute
Lokaler Veranstalter
Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen
Please visit our website for further information:

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Frau Helle Trøst Nielsen
Gesundheitsförderung, Gesundheitssysteme, Gesundheitsversorgung, Humanitäre Hilfe - Komplexe Notfälle, Public Health
Art des Abschlusses
Master, Diplom, Teilnahmebescheinigung, Abschluss-Zertifikat
Fernstudium, e-Learning, Berufsbegleitend
Credit Points
5 ECTS - Points
DKK 10.200,00
Veranstalter Kontakt
Oester Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen K
Aspher University
"GOING INTERNATIONAL fördert den Zugang zu Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung, unabhängig von sozialen, geographischen und nationalen Grenzen."

Centro per la Formazione Permanente e l'Aggiornamento del Personale del Servizio SanitarioAGEM - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnologie und MedizinÄrzte der WeltAnästhesie in Entwicklungsländern e. V.Österreichisches Rotes KreuzÖsterreichische Akademie der ÄrzteOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation Ärztekammer für Wien