
Summer School in Mental Health in Low Income Settings

University of Copenhagen / Copenhagen School of Global Health
12.07.2010 - 30.07.2010  Copenhagen, Denmark
In this intensive, multi-disciplinary three week course, students will explore the epidemiology and social origins of mental health disease in low income settings. Additionally, students will learn to think critically about designing interventions and scaling up services to affected populations within the confines of a low-income health setting. Mental disorders are an important cause of long-term disability worldwide and are quickly becoming a dominant cause of ill health worldwide.
The course is open to all students in their last year of undergraduate studies or first year master level studies who have a relevant educational background in public health, anthropology, psychology, medicine, or sociology.
Lokaler Veranstalter
This Summer School is organized by the Copenhagen School of Global Health at the University of Copenhagen as a part of the IARU Summer School porogramme 2010
Students from IARU universities pay no fee. All other students will be charged a fee of DKK 12.000,- (approx. EUR 1600,-)
More info:

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Herr Michael James Calopietro
Psychische Gesundheit und Psychiatrie, Summerschool, Tropenmedizin und Infektiologie
Credit Points
5 ECTS - Points
Veranstalter Kontakt
Oester Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen K
Aspher University
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