
Visitors Workshop 'a Primer on the Maastricht Approach to Medical Education '

Maastricht University, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences / School of Health Professions Education (SHE)
26.11.2009 - 27.11.2009  Maastricht
The two-day Visitors Workshop offers 'novices' a 'dip' into PBL as implemented at Maastricht Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. Day 1 offers a variety of topics for the full group of participants. On day 2 participants can compose their own programme within the range of a set of modules. Anyone who feels just slightly dissatisfied with the 'traditional' format of medical education should participate in this workshop on the Maastricht approach to health professions education.
Lernziele, Trainingsziele
Become aware of the psychological background of PBL and its translation into curriculum design and student assessment. Participants can pay special attention to different aspects of PBL, such as block construction, skills training, etc.
Teachers, educators, managers, curriculum developers, decision makers or all other interested in education
Lokaler Veranstalter
School of Health Professions Education, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University

Anfragen und Anmeldung:

Frau Angelique van den Heuvel
Evaluierung, Wissenschaftlich fundierte Gesundheitsversorgung, Wissenschaftlich fundierte Medizin
EUR 650,00
Veranstalter Kontakt
Universiteitssingel 60
6200 MD Maastricht
Aspher University
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Center of ExcellenceÖsterreichische Gesellschaft für Public HealthnewTreeCharité International AcademyAlumni Club Medizinische Universität WienEuropean Public Health Association (EUPHA)Österreichische Akademie der ÄrzteOÖ Gebietskrankenkasse, Referat für Wissenschaftskooperation