Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

The May-edition of GI-Mail offers you a wide selection of courses and congresses covering a variety of topics, ranging from Expedition Medicine, Public Health and Influenza to Leadership in Clinical Microbiology.

We would like to draw your attention to the special of the month section, where you will find an experience report about a two-month elective in Wellington, New Zealand, and an interview about vaccine hesitancy, an urgent Public Health emergency.

Are you interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in the German speaking region? Take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job newsletter and in the Going International job database.

Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health.

Kind regards,

Gerhard Polak, MD

P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.

ISSN: 2312-0827

Online Course: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Public Health

28th May to 12th June 2020, online course. 
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Since the number of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased dramatically over the past two decades and is now a major public health issue, course participants learn about the state of the science of autism epidemiological and etiological research, and the emerging questions for Public Health.

Participants also learn about prescriptive epidemiology, genetics, environmental risk factors, and prognosis of ASD, as well as long-term outcomes... read more

1st TAE/ESCMID Leadership Academy: Creating Future Leaders in Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

26th to 27th September 2020, Belgrade, Serbia. ESCMID Logo

This capacity-building workshop has been designed to help and support individuals as they develop a range of personal and professional skills which will contribute to their effectiveness as the leaders of the future in the field.

This course aims to address the challenges and opportunities in CM and ID, to provide updates in training curricula to address shifting needs, to develop crucial skills in leadership and management and much more... read more

Humanitarian & Expedition Medicine: Simien Mountains

1st to 11th November 2021, Debark, Ethiopia. 
WEM Logo
Ethiopia is one of Africa's most fascinating countries with an amazing diversity of culture, awe-inspiring landscapes and a fascinating history. The Humanitarian & Expedition Medicine course will introduce you to the concepts of both providing medical back up in remote areas and on expeditions but also the health concerns of the local community and the challenges in delivering humanitarian support.

Both medical and expedition content is integrated to replicate the challenge of real expeditions and humanitarian missions, helping shape your thought processes and enable you to function in extreme and resource-poor environments... read more


APHA 2020: Creating the Healthiest Nation: Preventing Violence

24th to 28th October, 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA.APHA Logo

Violence is a leading cause of premature death, particularly among children, adolescents and young adults. This serious health and public health threat directly impacts life and limb, lowers life expectancy and undermines future achievement. 

Both deadly violence and the high incidence of non-fatal violent injuries are major concerns, taking an enormous economic toll on the health care system and damaging quality of life. Being a victim or witness of violence can lead to and worsen mental, emotional and social problems, chronic illnesses and marginalization... read more

7th European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI)

6th to 9th December 2020, Valencia, Spain.ESWI Logo

The European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI) is looking forward to organizing the 7th edition of its ESWI Influenza Conferences in Valencia, Spain. Over the past years, the ESWI Influenza Conferences have grown into the largest European scientific conferences dedicated to influenza. This edition also welcomes abstract submission on RSV and SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.

In keeping with its excellent scientific reputation, the upcoming seventh edition will give the floor to the most renowned influenza and RSV scientists, public health experts and healthcare professionals. The scientific program includes topics such as Influenza and RSV disease, virus structure and replication in influenza virus and RSV... read more

Quick Tips

2nd World Congress on Advances in Brain Injury, Disorders and Therapeutics
22nd to 23rd July 2020, Melbourne, Australia

World Congress on Fetal and Maternal Medicine
29th to 30th July 2020, Singapore, SIngapore

Basic Biostatistics (B106.20.20)
17th to 25th August 2020, Bern, Switzerland 

Analysing Disrupted Health Systems (ADHS)
17th to 28th August 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands 

11th Annual Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference (IMMH)
20th to 23rd August, Chicago, IL, USA

ICLE 2020: International Conference on Lymphocyte Engineering
7th to 9th September, Munich, Germany

33rd Workshop of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

10th to 12th September 2020, Glasgow, UK


Two-month Elective in the Field of Anaesthesiology in Wellington, New Zealand

by Simon Raffl.Raffl

Before the beginning of my 6th year at the Medical University of Vienna, I decided to do an additional internship somewhere abroad, and I eventually chose to go to Wellington, the capital city of
New Zealand.
I was eager to work in an English-speaking environment, and my interest has been drawn to that country for a long time as I knew a few people who had spent some time there raving about it unanimously. 

For that reason, I decided to give it a go and travelled literally to the other side of the world. Since everyone seemed to love New Zealand, my expectations were relatively high, but at the same time I was just glad I could get away so I had no second thoughts about what would await me... read more

Let’s Fight Vaccine Hesitancy – An Urgent Public Health Emergency: Interview with Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat

EHFGEven though the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that “immunization is one of modern medicine’s greatest success stories”
with around 2 to 3 million deaths prevented every year, in 2019 WHO rated vaccine hesitancy as one of the 10 biggest threats to global health worldwide. The session on Vaccine Ecosystems Health Check was a stimulating thought-provoking discussion in which experts from different backgrounds discussed the complexity of the vaccine ecosystem, the challenges and the need for collaboration.

The moderator of the session, Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, president
of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), consultant in public health and senior lecturer at the University of Malta, shared with us her experience and insights after the session... read more

APHA Opposes Trump Move to Cut Essential WHO Funding
"WHO is in a race to treat, test and protect people from the devastation of COVID-19. Its leadership in combatting COVID-19 has been indispensable, irreplaceable and decisive," said Georges C. Benjamin, MD, APHA's executive director. "Getting ahead of this virus requires a rapid global response and the coordination of multiple countries," Benjamin said. "Getting ahead of this virus requires a rapid global response and the coordination of multiple countries... read more

Coronavirus Makes Inequality a Public Health Issue 
World Economic Forum, Switzerland
The COVID-19 crisis is producing some positive examples of global cooperation, but it is also exposing many fault lines and revealing some alarming tendencies. Resentment has been expressed by some of the hardest-hit EU states over a perceived lack of solidarity from neighbouring countries. Certain US states are engaged in a bidding war against each other for personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical hardware that has raised prices...
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Africa's Leaders Forced to Confront Health Care Systems They Neglected for Years
Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe died in a hospital in Singapore, and Cameroon's Paul Biya regularly seeks treatment abroad. Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari was out of the country for several months in 2017 for treatment in London for an undisclosed illness and has frequent checks abroad. Since he took office in 2015, he has embarked on at least four medical trips to the UK... read more

What Covid-19 Is Teaching Us about Inequality and the Sustainability of Our Health Systems
EuroHealthNet partners – the public bodies responsible for health – are doing their utmost to protect citizens and contain the outbreak. In the difficult days and months to come, the need to work together will be clear. Protecting health is the responsibility of all. Good health starts in the community. In the long term, we must consider how our health systems are structured, their sustainability, and their ability to protect all in times of crisis... read more


Oberarzt (w/m/d) für Gynäkologie - Germany*Chefarzt (w/m/d) für Gynäkologie

Für die Klinik für Gynäkologie und Gynäkologische Onkologie eines akademischen Lehrkrankenhauses in Hessen gesucht.

An der Klinik wird das gesamte Leistungsspektrum der Gynäkologie und Gynäkoonkologie geboten. Sie profitieren von einem abwechslungs- reichen Aufgabengebiet und der Zusammenarbeit mit einem motivierten, engagierten Team. Auch ein Erwerb der Schwerpunktbezeichnung Gynäkologische Onkologie ist möglich... weiterlesen


Oberarzt (w/m/d) für Radiologie - Switzerland*

Oberarzt für RadiologieFür ein modernst ausgestattetes Kantonsspital im Osten der Schweiz gesucht.

Wir bieten Ihnen in einer renommierten Schweizer Klinik ein abwechslungsreiches und breites Aufgabenfeld mit viel Eigenverantwortung in einer Führungsfunktion, mit dem Fokus auf Teamwork. Profitieren Sie außerdem von familienfreundlichen Arbeitszeiten ohne Nachtdiensten... weiterlesen


Ltd. Arzt (w/m/d) für Geriatrie - Germany*

Ltd. Arzt (w/m/d) für GeriatrieFür ein Krankenhaus im Verbund im Raum Stuttgart gesucht.

Die Klinik ist auch ein Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus und bietet spezialisierte Fachbereiche und Zentren mit hochwertiger Allgemein- und Notfallversorgung an. Es erwartet Sie eine anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit mit abwechslungsreichen Themengebieten in einem hochmotivierten, kooperativen Team sowie attraktive Karriereperspektiven... weiterlesen


Doctopia Jobs

Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Gefäßchirurgie
Als einer der größten kommunalen Klinikverbünde in Deutschland hat die Klinik mit zwei Neubauten eine moderne Infrastruktur geschaffen. In der Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovascularchirurgie verfügt der Klinikdirektor über eine volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung für Gefäßchirurgie (48 Monate) und common trunk (24 Monate). Neben der Möglichkeit zum Erwerb der Facharztbezeichnung Gefäßchirurgie und Bezeichnung Endovasculärer Chirurg/ Spezialist stehen Mitarbeiterförderung, langfristige Perspektiven und Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie stark im Fokus. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.Doctopia

Assistenzarzt (m/w/d) für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Die Klinik bildet den orthopädischen Schwerpunkt der SLK-Kliniken und stellt neben dem zertifizierten Endoprothesenzentrum (EPZmax) und dem regionalen Traumazentrum Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen als einen überregionalen Schwerpunkt der Klinik dar. Es liegen ein Reihe von Weiter-bildungsermächtigungen vor und ein attraktiver Arbeitsplatz in einem modernen Klinikneubau unterstützt die umfangreichen Arbeitstätigkeiten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Leitender Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Infektionsprävention und Klinikhygiene
Das Institut für Infektionsprävention und Klinikhygiene betreut Kliniken und deren Mitarbeiter in allen Fragen der Prävention und des Managements von Patienten mit Infektionskrankheiten. Es erwartet Sie eine abwechslungsreiche und anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit in einem hochmotivierten Team im gesamten Gebiet der Infektionsprävention und Hygiene an Klinikstandorten in der Region Heilbronn-Franken. Das akkreditierte Wasser- und Hygiene-Labor ist fachlich an das Institut angeschlossen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Oberarzt (w/m/d) für Innere Medizin/Pneumologie - Germany*

Oberarzt (w/m/d) für Innere Medizin/PneumologieFür ein Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus im Süden Berlins gesucht.

Die Abteilung besitzt eine modern eingerichtete Bronchoskopieabteilung, eine moderne pneumologisch-kardiologische Funktionsabteilung sowie ein Schlaflabor. Sie profitieren von einer selbständigen Tätigkeit mit hoher Verantwortlichkeit in einer angenehmen Arbeitsatmosphäre... weiterlesen


Arzt (w/m/d) in Weiterbildung oder Facharzt (w/m/d) für Radiologie
- Germany*

Für ein modernes Krankenhaus im Raum Leipzig gesucht.
Die Abteilung für diagnostische Radiologie deckt die gesamte bildgebende Diagnostik eines modernen Krankenhauses ab. Sie profitieren von einer anspruchsvollen Tätigkeit in einer klinisch orientierten Organisation mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen sowie von einer guten kollegialen Zusammenarbeit... weiterlesen


Leitung Medizincontrolling (m/w/d) - Germany*

Für ein Krankenhaus der Schwerpunktversorgung in der Region

Es erwartet Sie ein familienfreundlicher Arbeitgeber mit familiärer, wertschätzender Arbeitsatmosphäre und Engagement im Team.
Profitieren Sie außerdem von Gestaltungsfreiheit bei Ihrer Arbeitszeit und vielen Fortbildungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten... weiterlesen


* For MDs applicants 

For your application you will need a German language certificate: level C1 for medical doctors and B2 for nurses as well as for assistants.

Job and Career Offers

 Are you interested in working in the German-speaking region?
 We offer jobs for medical professionals in Germany, Austria   and Switzerland. For your application you will need a German   language certificate: level C1 for medical doctors and B2 for nurses as   well as for nursing assistants.

 Send us your detailed CV, your letter of motivation and your German   language certificate. We will then contact you with information on   suitable jobs.

 See our listing of job vacancies in our job-overview.
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.
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