Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

Due to the current situation (Covid 19), please ask the particular organizer if the event takes place.

This month's edition of GI-Mail presents courses and congresses covering a variety of topics, ranging from Gender-Transfomative Work and Advances in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's therapies to Healthy Ageing.

Have a look at our section Special of the month where you can read about the link between arts and health and a three-month elective at Georgetown University Hospital in the USA.

Are you interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in the German speaking region?

Take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job newsletter and in the Going International job database.

Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health.

Kind regards,

Gerhard Polak, MD

P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.

ISSN: 2312-0827

Online Course: WHO Critical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Training

anytime, online course. 
Online Course: WHO Critical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Training
The WHO Critical Care Training Short Course for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) includes content on clinical management of patients with a severe acute respiratory infection. 

This course is intended for clinicians who are working in intensive care units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries and managing adult and pediatric patients with severe forms of acute respiratory infection (SARI), including severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrom (ARDS), sepsis and septic shock... read more

How to Apply Gender-Transformative Work in SRHR and GBV Projects and Programs

22nd May 2020, Bern, Switzerland.
How to Apply Gender-Transformative Work in SRHR and GBV Projects and Programs
Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) in collaboration with the International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health (IAMANEH) Switzerland organises a 1-day workshop on how to apply gender-transformative work in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) projects and programs with a special focus on gender-based violence (GBV).

The aim of the workshop is to convey to participants a clear understanding of what gender-transformative work means and how gender-transformative approaches can be applied in a specific context... read more

Advances in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Therapies Focus Meeting 2020

2nd to 5th April 2020, Vienna, Austria.
The meeting will present all the latest breakthroughs in treatment, translational R&D, early diagnosis, drug development and clinical trials in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other related neurological disorders.

A central theme will be to further advance innovative strategies in therapy and prevention, clinical trials and diagnostic markers, in order to focus on driving successful collaborations among academia and industry, leading to the development of innovative therapies... read more

Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020

6th to 7th April 2020, Zagreb, Croatia.Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020

Better Future of Healthy Ageing (BFHA) 2020 will bring together researchers, health professionals, representatives of the European Commission and other research and professional bodies from Europe and beyond.

It will address one of the most important challenges of the European society – ageing. This will be achieved through discussions in several parallel panels on three aspects of ageing and health... read more

European Calcified Tissue Society 2020

16th to 19th May 2020, Marseille, France.European Calcified Tissue Society 2020

European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) serves as a forum for researchers and clinicians working in the musculoskeletal field to discover and discuss the latest advances and controversies in research and in the daily care of patients.

ECTS 2020 will focus on the best and latest science with renowned leaders in the  field. The congress has implemented more opportunities for discussions and beside the traditional symposia and workshops, there will also be debates, expert discussions and interactive sessions... read more
Quick Tips

Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation - Advanced Course
1st to 3rd April 2020, York, United Kingdom

Molecular Biology, Epidemiology and Diagnostics of Malaria: Farewell Symposium for Ingrid Felger and Hans-Peter Beck
3rd April 2020, Basel, Switzerland

Cannabis in Healthcare: Pros and Cons
3rd April 2020, New York, NY, USA

ESOR AIMS Mexico Course on Ultrasound
22nd April 2020, Mexico City, Mexico

11th Annual Meeting of the AZAD
24th to 25th April, Cologne, Germany

Radiology in Lyon
27th April to 1st May, Lyon, France

Women's Vascular Summit - 2020
1st to 2nd May 2020, Buffalo, NY, USA


Reboot Health & Wellbeing – Keeping Young People Safe

Until 15th April 2020, online submission.

The World Health Organization (WHO), supported by the UN Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN-OICT) and UNAIDS challenge you to use your bright minds and entrepreneurial skills to address one of the urgent health challenges for the next decade: Keeping young people safe. 

The range of possible health innovation solutions that may be submitted includes apps or games, wearables, digital technologies, tools or platforms, products, the creation or improvement of products, services, processes, new approaches to collaboration or communication, or new ways of engaging young people and/or other stakeholders, policy reform proposals... read more

Can you dance your way to better health and well-being?
For the first time, WHO studies the link between arts and health    

Engaging with the arts can be beneficial for both mental and physical health. This is a key Can you dance your way to better health and well-being? conclusion of a new report from the WHO Regional Office for Europe analysing the evidence from over 900 global publications – the most comprehensive review of evidence on arts and health to date

“Bringing art into people’s lives through activities including dancing, singing, and going to museums and concerts offers an added dimension to how we can improve physical and mental health,” says Dr Piroska Östlin, WHO Regional Director for Europe... read more

Three-Month Elective in Radiology at Georgetown University Hospital

by Dounia Mettri.

Dounia Mettri View from National MallEver since I started medical school, I knew I wanted to go to America. I’ve always dreamed big and America is THE country if you have big dreams and goals. It’s the country where dreams come true, right?

Or at least that’s what they say. You can be anywhere you want if you work hard enough and have some luck on top of that – in theory. And this thrill is what I love about this country. Additionally, America is the most diverse country in the world. You’ll find every single nationality here.
Those are only some of the reasons why this country is so appealing to me... read more

'Cancer Does Not Wait': Children's Medicine Shortage Stokes Anger in Mexico
Reuters, Mexico
For his mother, Esperanza Paz, the ordeal is compounded by fears of another round of shortages in the supply of the life-saving vincristine drug needed to treat the soft-tissue cancer in her son’s forearm.“He can relapse. The cancer can come back,” said Paz, after a vital round of chemotherapy was by a week in mid-January due to vincristine shortages in his Mexico City hospital.... read more

How Technology, Medicine and At-home Devices Can Improve Healthcare Access and Cost
We're starting to see incremental progress toward meaningful healthcare technology and reimagined delivery models. New developments in digital medicine, DIY care and AI are emerging, with the potential to advance the industry in ways that previous attempts have failed. Despite signs of progress, doctor's office wait times continue to rise... read more

She Didn’t Want a Pelvic Exam. She Received One Anyway
New York Times, USA
“What pelvic exam?” Janine, 33, asked. Distressed, she tried to piece together what had happened while she was unconscious. Why had her sexual organs been inspected during an abdominal operation, by a medical student? Later, she said, her physician explained that the operating team had seen she was due for a Pap smear.... read more

Hospital Installs Sleep Pod to Help Tackle Doctors' Burnout
Medscape, UK
Doctors at Hereford County Hospital are being encouraged to take power naps to help keep them fresh and avoid burnout. The initiative is part of a national Fight Fatigue campaign and sees a special 'sleep pod' installed in a 3-month trial. Wye Valley NHS Trust junior doctor Syed Husain old Medscape News UK: "The sleep pods are primarily for power naps... read more


Arzt (w/m/d) in Weiterbildung oder Facharzt (w/m/d) für Radiologie -Germany*

Für ein modernes Krankenhaus im Raum Leipzig gesucht.
Arzt (w/m/d) in Weiterbildung oder Facharzt (w/m/d) für Radiologie
Die Abteilung für diagnostische Radiologie deckt die gesamte bildgebende Diagnostik eines modernen Krankenhauses ab. Sie profitieren von einer anspruchsvollen Tätigkeit in einer klinisch orientierten Organisation mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen sowie von einer guten kollegialen Zusammenarbeit... weiterlesen


Facharzt (w/m/d) für Innere Medizin mit Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie in Ltd. Position - Germany*Facharzt (w/m/d) für Innere Medizin mit Schwerpunkt Gastroenterologie in Ltd. Position

Für eine moderne Klinik im Raum Berlin gesucht.

Es erwartet Sie ein spannendes gastroenterologisches Tätigkeitsfeld, auch über die Diagnostik hinaus. Außerdem haben Sie die Möglickkeit bei der Gründung und Zertifizierung des viszeralmedizinisch-onkologischen Zentrums und Darmzentrums mitzuwirken... weiterlesen


Doctopia Jobs

Assistenzarzt (m/w/d) für Klinikhygiene
Eine Stelle mit der vollen Weiterbildungsmöglichkeit zum Facharzt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin bzw. Medizinhygiene. Es erwartet Sie eine abwechslungsreiche und anspruchsvolle Weiterbildung im gesamten Gebiet der Infektionsprävention und Hygiene in einem Klinikverbund der Maximalversorgung im Norden Baden-Württembergs. Eine Mitarbeit im Antibiotic Stewardship Programm ist ebenso Teil der Weiterbildung wie auch die Arbeit in einem akkreditierten Hygiene- und Wasserlabor.
Weite Informationen finden Sie hier.Doctopia

Assistenzarzt (m/w/d) für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Die Klinik bildet den orthopädischen Schwerpunkt der SLK-Kliniken. Neben dem zertifizierten Endoprothesenzentrum (EPZmax) und dem regionalen Traumazentrum stellen Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen einen überregionalen Schwerpunkt der Klinik dar. Die komplette operative Versorgung von Wirbelsäulenleiden wird bei uns durch konservativ interventionelle und durch multimodale interdisziplinäre Therapieformen ergänzt
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Gefäßchirurgie
Die Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovascularchirurgie verfügt über ca. 50 Betten und 12 OP Säle/Woche, es werden jährlich etwa 2.800 Operationen und Gefäßinterventionen durchgeführt. Der Klinikdirektor verfügt über die volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung für Gefäßchirurgie und common trunk. Das Spektrum umfasst sowohl die „klassischen“ operativen Behandlungsmethoden, die ohne den Einsatz der HLM durchführbar sind, als auch das gesamte Spektrum interventioneller Eingriff.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Oberarzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (m/w/d) - Switzerland*

Oberarzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (m/w/d)Für eine moderne Klinik in der Schweiz gesucht.

Die Klinik fokussiert sich auf die Behandlung von psychischen Störungen wie beispielsweise Schlafproblemen, Depressionen und Burn-Out. Sie profitieren von einem vielseitigen Aufgabengebiet in einem sehr modern ausgestatteten Krankenhaus sowie von Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten... weiterlesen


Oberarzt (m/w/d)/Facharzt (m/w/d) für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe -Germany*

Für ein modernes Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus im Raum Leipzig 
gesucht.Oberarzt (m/w/d)/Facharzt (m/w/d) für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe

In dem Lehrkrankenhaus sind Sie mit anspruchsvollen Leitungsaufgaben betraut und arbeiten mit einem kollegialen Team zusammen. Profitieren Sie außerdem von einem familienfreundlichen Arbeitsplatz mit flexiblen Dienstzeiten... weiterlesen


* For MDs applicants 

For your application you will need a German language certificate: level C1 for medical doctors and B2 for nurses as well as for assistants.

Are you interested in working in the German-speaking region?
We offer jobs for medical professionals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. For your application you will need a German language certificate: level C1 for medical doctors and B2 for nurses as well as for nursing assistants.

Send us your detailed CV, your letter of motivation and your German language certificate. We will then contact you with information on suitable jobs.

See our listing of job vacancies in our job-overview.
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.
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