Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! The current issue of GI-Mail offers a wide range of interesting opportunities for your further education in different fields, varying from epidemiology, clinical research and cardiology to hypertension and cardiovascular protection.
Check out our Special of the month section, there you will find an article about oral health care and communication tips for medical professionals.
Take a look at our section News. There you can read about the latest trends and news from the medicine and health sectors.
If you are interested in a new job or a training position for MDs in Germany or Austria and have a good knowledge of the German language, take a look at our jobs & career offers. More jobs can be found in our monthly job newsletter and in the Going International job database. Visit us on Facebook – you will find weekly updated news on topics related to medicine and health. Kind regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD
P.S.: Send GI-Mail to a friend.
ISSN: 2312-0827
Epidemiological Evaluation of Vaccines: Efficacy, Safety and Policy1st to 12th July 2019, London, United Kingdom - short course.
Epidemiological research has become an important tool in assessing vaccine protection. Although there are several courses specialising in vaccinology, there remains a gap in teaching about advanced epidemiological tools for vaccine evaluation. This short course fills that gap, providing an in-depth training on current methods used in the evaluation of vaccine efficiency, safety and policy. It aims to address immunisation issues in high, middle and low-income countries... read more
Understanding Clinical Research: Behind the StatisticsStart: anytime, online course.If you’ve ever skipped over the results section of a medical paper because terms like “confidence interval” or “p-value” go over your head, then you’re in the right place. You may be a clinical practitioner reading research articles to keep up-to-date with developments in your field or a medical student wondering how to approach your own research. Greater confidence in understanding statistical analysis and the results can benefit both working professionals and those undertaking research themselves... read more
Women Deliver 2019 Conference3rd to 6th June 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
The Women Deliver 2019 Conference will take place 3-6 June 2019 in Vancouver, Canada and will be the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women in the 21st century. It will serve as a catalyst for advocates working to achieve a more gender equal world. More than 6,000 world leaders, influencers, advocates, academics, activists, and journalists will flock to Vancouver with the drive to accelerate progress for girls and women everywhere... read more
Welcome to the 29th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection (ESH 2019)21st to 24th June 2019, Milan, Italy.
Join us for the 29th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, which will be held in Milan on June 21-24, 2019! The European Society of Hypertension (ESH) is developing an outstanding scientific programme, that will include multiple state-of-the-art lectures, debates and round tables on issues on major current interest and controversy.
Debates and in-depth discussions will also address the 2018 European hypertension guidelines vis a vis the U.S. and other recent guidelines. Deadline for the Early Bird Registration is the 7th March 2019 and the Late Breaker Abstract Submission is from 22nd February to 22nd March 2019... read more
Houston Aortic Symposium: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Diseases 7th to 9th March, Houston, TX, USA
2019 Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine 9th to 13th March 2019, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Procurement and Contracts Management 11th to 15th March 2019, Nairobi, Kenya
4th European Congress on Intrapartum Care: Making Birth Safer 14th to 16th March 2019, Torino, Italy
21st Annual Superbugs & Superdrugs Conference 18th to 19th March 2019, London, United Kingdom
The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency 29th to 31st March 2019, San Diego, CA, USA
22nd EHFG: A Healthy Dose of Disruption? Transformative Change for Health and Societal Wellbeing
2nd to 4th October 2019, Bad Hofgastein, Austria.While we have made considerable advances in health, there are a number of areas that seem to be at a stalemate despite ample evidence on how to move forward. Examples include the topic of health reforms in general, tackling AMR, addressing health inequalities, advancing primary healthcare and making universal health coverage a reality for all. Even where robust frameworks and roadmaps are in place, for example to deliver on the Agenda 2030 Goals, often changes don’t take place fast enough... read more |
Quality of Oral Health Care – Perspectives and Challenges in Oral Health Services Researchby PD Dr. Katja Goetz.There is a close relationship between general health status and oral health. Therefore, to ensure good quality of care an important contribution is the consideration of oral health care in health services research. However oral health services research is a developing discipline. E.g. to handle the large number of refugees including the screening of the current health status is a challenge in European countries. To date little research concerning health services research in oral health care is performed. The Institute of Family Medicine at the University to Luebeck in Germany mainly addresses research in primary health care... read more
Communication Tips - Verbal EncouragementAre you a medical professional who uses a foreign language at work? Have you ever been in this situation?Not knowing how to comfort a patient in distress. Not remembering how to say or pronounce a word. Knowing the medical term, but not being able to explain it to a patient. Boost your professional interactions by trying the following tips: We show others we are paying attention through our use of verbal encouragement. These phrases are usually short and neutral, like, I see, uh huh and go on. Their function is to acknowledge patients, their story and their feelings, and let patients know that you are listening, without interrupting the flow of their speech... read more
CDC Provides First In-Season Estimates of Flu Illnesses, Medical Visits, and Hospitalizations CDC According to new data released by CDC, so far during the 2018-2019 season between about 6 and 7 million people have been sick with flu and up to half of those people have sought medical care for their illness... read more
| Public Health Work-Life Fit: Is It Possible To Have Both a Global Health Career and a Family? Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health Magazine Two driven MPH students fell in love. Then their work threatened to put 8,000 miles between them. When Tara Loyd arrived at the Bloomberg School in 2007, she had a plan... read more
| Physicians Experience Highest Suicide Rate of Any Profession Medscape With one completed suicide every day, US physicians have the highest suicide rate of any profession. In addition, the number of physician suicides is more than twice that of the general population, new research shows... read more | Be Prepared to Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter CDC Winter storms and cold temperatures can be dangerous. Stay safe and healthy by planning ahead. Prepare your home and cars. Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on older adults... read more |
Facharzt für Neurologie (m/w/d)Für ein MVZ mit den Fachrichtungen Chirurgie und Neurologie suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Termin einen Facharzt für Neurologie (m/w/d). Das MVZ befindet sich in einem modernen Krankenhausneubau in äusserst verkehrsgünstiger Lage im Main-Taunus-Kreis. Dem künftigen Stelleninhaber (m/w/d) stehen helle und großzügig ausgestattete Räumlichkeiten mit individuellen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung... weiterlesen
Facharzt (m/w/d) für Pädiatrie als Oberarzt Für einen Schwerpunktversorger mit einer exzellenter Verkehrsanbindung an Berlin suchen wir zum 1.4.2019 bzw. zum nächstmöglichen Termin einen Facharzt (m/w/d) für Pädiatrie als Oberarzt.Die Subspezialisierungen Neuropädiatrie, Kindergastroenterologie, Pneumologie und/oder andere Qualifikationen bzw. Zusatzbezeichnungen sind für die weitere Profilierung der Kinderklinik von besonderem Interesse... weiterlesen
Doctopia Jobs: SLK-KlinikenOberarzt für Chirugie für die zentrale Notaufnahme (m/w/d)Mit zwei Neubauten haben wir eine moderne Infrastruktur geschaffen und setzen uns mit über 4.200 Mitarbeitern an unseren Standorten täglich für das Wohl anderer ein. Hierbei bieten wir von der Grundversorgung bis zur Spitzenmedizin ein breites medizinisches Spektrum. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. Oberarzt für Innere Medizin (m/w/d)
Wir bieten Ihnen eine interessante und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit, eine langfristige Perspektive in einem der größten Klinikverbünde Deutschlands, einen attraktiven und modern ausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz, umfangreiche Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote und vieles mehr. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. Oberarzt für Gefäßchirurgie (m/w/d)Die Klinik für Gefäß- und Endovascularchirurgie (Stellenplan 1-7,5-7-2) verfügt über ca. 50 Betten und 13,5 OP Säle/ Woche, es werden jährlich etwa 2.800 Operationen und Gefäßinterventionen durchgeführt. Der Klinikdirektor verfügt über die volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung für Gefäßchirurgie (48 Monate) und common trunk (24 Monate). Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. |
Leitender Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische MedizinFür ein Akutkrankenhaus im Raum Salzburg wird zum 01.07.2019
ein Leitender Oberarzt (m/w/d) für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie/Psychiatrie und Psychotherapeutische Medizin im Zuge einer Altersnachfolgeregelung gesucht. Das Klinikum versorgt mit rund 100 Akut-Betten PatientInnen in der Region im Bereich der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie/Psychosomatischen Medizin... weiterlesen
Leitender Arzt/Sektionsleiter Pneumologie (m/w/d)
Für ein Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus in Niedersachsen suchen wir eine/n Leitenden Arzt/Sektionsleiter Pneumologie (m/w/d). Das Haus mit rund 650 Betten sorgt für die medizinische Versorgung der Bevölkerung der gesamten Region. Jährlich werden mehr als 60.000 PatientInnen behandelt und medizinisch betreut.
Mit der Neubesetzung soll der Stellenwert der Pneumologie und der interdisziplinären, internistisch-chirurgischen Lungenheilkunde deutlich erhöht werden... weiterlesen
Jobs and Career Offers If you are a medical specialist, a medical assistant or a nurse with good knowledge of the German language (level C1), apply now at Going International for these specialities:
- Internal medicine
- Neurology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Nursing
If you are interested please send us your detailed CV as a Word-document to office@goinginternational.org. Please write in the subject line: "GI-Mail 02/2019".
You can also find a wide range of international job vacancies in the job newsletter.