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An information service provided by Going International | 10/2009

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip: "Health and Human Rights"
2. Congress Tip: "5th International Microinsurance Conference"
3. Special of the month: "Call for Nomination"
    "Call for Abstracts"

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

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Health and Human Rights

Organizer: InWEnt gGmbH - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH Abteilung Gesundheit |      Venue: Online | Language: English |  Date: early November 2009 - late April 2010 | Content: Health and human rights norms and principles, the legal framework, a human rights based approach to health, how to analyze and assess public health policies and programmes from a human rights perspective, how to apply a human rights-based approach to the own work  | Target Audience: Public health and human rights practitioners, government officials, NGOs, WHO staff and other UN agencies etc., from Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania | Requirements : Fluency in English, internet access | Zertification: Zertifikat durch InWEnt und WHO | Registration: Tel.: +49/(0)228/4460-0, Fax: +49/(0)228/4460-1766, E-mail:,

TIP: 469 more courses and conferences for “Experts and Allied Health Professionals” can be found in the new course catalogue “medicine & health 2009”. Order now!

5th International Microinsurance Conference
3rd – 5th November 2009, Dakar, Senegal

Around 300 experts from around the world will exchange experiences and discuss the challenges of microinsurance. They include representatives from international organisations, NGO’s, development-aid agencies, insurance and reinsurance companies, academics, policymakers and regulators. Topics: Providing health insurance to the poor, linking microfinance and microinsurance, economic analysis of microinsurance markets and more

Please visit the website for more information

TIPP: 61 more courses and conferences dealing with “Economics, Financing and Controlling”, “Statistics” and “Population Studies” can be found in the new course catalogue “medicine & health 2009”. Order now

Call for Nominations  - Nominate a Public Health Project

Global South- South Development Expo
Deadline for Submission of the nomination: October 30th

Click here for more informations or visit PAHO.
Click here for the spanish version.

Call for Abstracts

8th World Congress on Trauma, Shock, Inflammation and Sepsis
Deadline: November 6th, 2009

Click here for more informations.
Or visit the website.

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