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An information service provided by Going International | 05/2009

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

In this issue you will find the following topics:
1. Course Tip:"LICAGE 2009: Third International Course on Anaesthesia and
    Critical Care for Liver Transplantation"
2. Congress Tip: "Join world leaders in the fight against serious paediatric
    infectious diseases"
3. Special of the month: "Pan American Journal of Public Health "

Best regards,
Gerhard Polak, MD

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LICAGE 2009: Third International Course on Anaesthesia and
Critical Care for Liver Transplantation

Liver resection surgery and transplantation has become a standard procedure for an increasing number of patients.

Anaesthesiologists and critical care physicians have contributed disproportionately to advances in these complex and severe diseases, resulting in improved safety and outcome.

It thus is wise to further promote the professional and scientific progress of young colleagues interested in the field, as well as to promote the appropriate use of resources, both human and economic.

LICAGE will welcome you to a fruitful and profitable meeting in Vienna 2009. Join, and bring interested friends and colleagues.

Or click here to register.

Organized by: Campus GmbH | Venue: Austria: Vienna | Date: June 17th, 2009 - June 19th, 2009 | Language: English | More information on:

TIP: 36 more courses and conferences dealing with „Critical Care“ can be found in the course catalogue „medicine & health 2009“. Order now
Or order the thematic edition “Training & Education in Interdisciplinary Fields” here

Join world leaders in the fight against serious paediatric infectious diseases

Geneva, Switzerland — Over 2,700 caregivers in the field of paediatrics, immunology, microbiology and pharmacology will unite for ESPID 2009, the landmark annual meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID), set for Brussels, June 9-13, 2009.

With a unique focus on Serious Bacterial Infections, the meeting guarantees attendees the latest available information, new perspectives, and breakthroughs in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of serious paediatric infectious diseases. This is all packaged in a much touted scientific program and matchless lineup of 43 international experts from 14 countries.

Meeting highlights include: meet the professor sessions; expert discussions; scientific sessions; oral communications; company sponsored symposia; poster presentations; awards; to 21 hours of European CME credits (ECMEC’s); and the Walter Marget Educational Workshop.

Scientific topics include:

    • Serious Bacterial Infections and Antibiotic Resistance: Are We Facing a Real
       Problem in Paediatrics?
    • Prolonged Fever of Unknown Origin
    • How do you Manage Fever in Infants Less than 2 Months Old?
    and more 

To register please visit:

TIP: 43 more courses and conferences dealing with “Paediatrics” can be found in the course catalogue “medicine & health 2009”. Order now
Or order the thematic edition “Training and Education for Medical Specialists” here

Pan American Journal of Public Health  

This journal is primarily used by experts in Latin America and the Caribbean. It provides information on the most recent advances in public health research in the Americas, including breakthroughs in combating disease, up-to-date health profiles, emerging health trends, and other public health news from the Americas. PAHO Subscription Service Hanover, PA 17331, U.S.A. Tel.: (717) 632-3535, Fax: (717) 633-8920


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